Jordan Jones


He believes that to harness the power of public speaking, one must embrace being vulnerable in front of an audience. Jordan creates this environment through his example of welcoming everyone as equals regardless of job title or status in the world. This fosters a friendly, caring environment that creates a positive space for participants to share stories and anecdotes about their experiences.  The bond that develops between participants in his workshop comes from Jordan’s ability to take this intimidating subject and create an open, comfortable space to give and receive feedback and encourage growth among all participants.

Jordan’s public speaking training journey began as a special education assistant teacher. There, he discovered his passion for sharing knowledge and building relationships through practical communication, which helped create trust with his students. He went on to earn his Master’s Degree in Communication Studies from the University of Northern Colorado. During this time, he refined his speaking skills by presenting sales and marketing strategies to small and medium-sized companies. While earning his degree, he saw firsthand the importance of effective communication and how a well-crafted message makes a difference in building trust and leads to increased sales and stronger professional relationships. This launched his journey onto a path of helping others communicate authentically and discovered their true ability to speak with pure motives. This led him to Effective Presentations, where he is able to live out his passion every day by helping and building up others in the skill of communication.

‘I believe if everyone in the world worked on their communication a little bit, we’d have a lot more peace on this planet.’

Jordan Jones

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