7 Ways to be Ineffective at Networking Meetings

1) Talk about yourself:  After all, you are the most important person in the room.  Don’t engage the audience or ask anyone a question because they came to hear your story, not theirs. So it is all about you!

2) Never, ever make eye contact:  When you walk into the room be sure to roll your shoulders forward, look down, find the closet corner and stay there.  Remain statuesque, don’t move around or look up because someone might catch your eye and start a conversation with you!

3) No smiling:  Looking disinterested or angry is a certain way to create tension and produce a cold environment so people know you are unapproachable.

4) Always talk religion and politics:  It is important that everyone understands that your political and religious views are important to you, and therefore, should be important to them!

5) Read from a script:  You are extremely busy and have no time to memorize your pitch.  When the time comes to give your 30 second commercial, read slowly, word for word so you don’t leave anything out!

6) Everyone must have your information:  Walk up to every individual and hand them your business card, along with any other printed material you can carry.  Ask them what part they see themselves playing and how they can help build your business!

7) Carry a small brown paper bag:  Should some folks manage to get their business card in your hands, immediately toss them in your bag with a look of disinterest – and be sure to leave the bag near the exit on your way out the door!


  1. Michelle Baylors says:

    Oh My, I was at a networking meeting last night and I met that guy! It is amazing to see people acting like that an expecting to get business and make solid business contacts.

  2. Michelle Baylors says:

    Oh My, I was at a networking meeting last night and I met that guy! It is amazing to see people acting like that an expecting to get business and make solid business contacts.

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  7. cedriccaa says:

    I have been that person for many years, what a waste of time! I have learned to be more effective at these meetings and now there paying off.

  8. cedriccaa says:

    I have been that person for many years, what a waste of time! I have learned to be more effective at these meetings and now there paying off.

  9. Tim Helms says:

    I will work harder on not being that guy at network meetings. It is easy to fall into that trap when your not concerned about others.

  10. Tim Helms says:

    I will work harder on not being that guy at network meetings. It is easy to fall into that trap when your not concerned about others.

  11. Ironically very helpful! I need to work on this. I never smile without even thinking about it and I definitely need to become more aware of this and smile more. Not to mention that smiling,(and eye contact!) gives off confidence which is a great thing to show in any situation. You always want to make a good impression when networking and these tips are sure to help me and others alike.

  12. Ironically very helpful! I need to work on this. I never smile without even thinking about it and I definitely need to become more aware of this and smile more. Not to mention that smiling,(and eye contact!) gives off confidence which is a great thing to show in any situation. You always want to make a good impression when networking and these tips are sure to help me and others alike.

  13. Wendy Wilson says:

    Don’t we all love the person who spends the entire meeting talking about himself? There’s no “I” in “team”!

  14. Sam Anson says:

    Haha! These are great!

  15. L. Lincoln says:


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