Got Nerves?

Don’t lose them; USE them. You can use your speaking anxiety to your advantage and create a positive, engaging presentation. Let me show you how!
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Breelyn Bowe

Breelyn Bowe’s greatest asset is her natural storytelling ability, something she’s fine-tuned over the last several years as a writer, photographer, and communications specialist. As an Effective Presentations trainer, she shares her talent for creating concise and meaningful messages with individuals and companies across the country. Breelyn knows how to captivate an audience with words and images. Her public speaking teaching experience in higher education merges with her advanced degree in Communication to share solid interpersonal expertise with clients.

Uncover Your Inner Speaker

Everyone loves to hear a good story, and everyone has one to tell (including you!) Breelyn will draw out the confident public speaker hiding inside you and teach you how to use your own stories, challenges, and personality to deliver a powerful message. In-person or online, her cheery attitude and no-nonsense approach to public speaking make her a highly sought-after coach who thrives on seeing others succeed at becoming successful communicators and leads through example.

Content delivery and non-verbal communications trip up many people; poor communication skills can leave you feeling like a bumbling buffoon. Breelyn’s uncomplicated take on presenting like a pro makes our simple communication strategies easy to learn and master quickly. Her tips and techniques will shatter your doubts about speaking in front of a group and position you to become an alluring public speaker.

Inspiring Excellence

As a highly trained and well-versed communicator, Breelyn knows that practice makes effective… not perfect. Her goal is to inspire others to strive for their personal best through learning and developing their own unique set of talents.

Born and raised in Colorado, Breelyn loves exploring the mountains she’s grown up with, no matter how long the drive. When she’s not training the world’s next greatest public speakers, you’ll find her hiking with her family and occasionally stopping for an overnight camp under the stars.

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